....We keep you connected


With over seventeen years experience in the industry, DIAKEM Investments (SL) Limited has been providing and supporting unique cutting-edge ICT options that assist its customers secure the appropriate solution for businesses and recreation. Whether you intend to roll-out or upgrade your Internet Access, VPN or any other connectivity, DIAKEM is well poised to deliver the appropriate expertise in System Administration, Fiber/Wireless network optimisation, Cyber security and QoS systems enhancement, to take your projects from conception to completion.

Why Choose Diakem?

Our Positioning

We are reliable

We have been providing dependable networks across the country for more than a decade and have built trustworthy networks throughout Sierra Leones.Our loyal customer base is a result of our constant delivery, which fosters dependability in our clients.

Diakem is well-positioned to provide world-class quality ICT solutions to Sierra Leone businesses seeking to scale through the use of technology." We are your best option when you need to connect serious business locations."